Our Team

The team consists of Qualified Health and Social care professionals with a background of Social Work and Nursing.

They are able to complete holistic person centred needs assessments which will be able to facilitate in creating an appropriate support plan for our service users. 

They have a range of nursing experience which consists of working with service users with a mental health diagnosis which also may include substance misuse, alcohol, autism, ADHD etc. Working from a medical perspective they have experience with supporting service user who have various other diagnosis e.g. Dementia, Parkinsons, physical and learning disabilities etc..

Our team of professionals are able to immediately identify critical conditions and make urgent referrals to emergency services. They have experience in supporting a service user to avoid hospital admissions and to enable them to have a good quality of life

The team has experience in both the health and social care aspects and are able to provide services to complex packages of care. Which require high quality evidence specialised nursing care, with highly complex needs though assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating individualised programmes of care needs. Additionally they are able to provide expert advice to support in achieving the clients desired outcomes detailed in their support plan. 


Intech House
Suite 3B
Wilbury Way

0800 009 6432

